This is my biggest appreciation for everybody including you who still read this sentence word by word and keep going on building all of this alphabets into a word and translate it in your brain to make any meaning even there is nothing you got from this word neither this word while your eyes moving getting faster from left to right and it’s starting losing your mind because you don’t understand what the hell is this talking about in English.
For the past four years, there were so many things happen, memorable things. I summed up them in big three numbers (or chars?) the way they lived.
Pak Ary, Pak Waskitho, Mas Hudan, Mas Bas, Pak Yudhi, Mas Jum, Mas Yudi, dan seluruh Bapak/Ibu Dosen dan Staf/Karyawan TC
Teman dan saudara angkatan 2009 dan C19
Seluruh pengurus Kabinet Kebangkitan, Kabinet Sinergi, dan khususnya Kabinet Perjuangan HMTC
Keluarga besar “Lantai 4â€
Panitia Schematics 2011 dan OC Kaderisasi HMTC 2010
Teman-teman KM ITS yang tergabung dalam PIMITS 14, IIE 2010, dan Gerigi 2010
- (ex-36.38)-
BHARATA dan teman-teman
Keluarga besar Laboratorium AJK, mas kebo, mas martin, mas mbah, mas kakek, mas bram, mas zulmi, mas adila, mas riki, mas visco, mbak cece, mbak ata, cak wir, kepin, aldo, bayu, mumu, erico, maja, yoyok, anyeng, nurul, rama, hepi, ajeng, popon, das, nandes, idham, baihaqi, bowo, harum, romen, sim-simi, uyung, dimas, nopite dan yang tidak dapat disebutkan satu per satu, matursuwun mas, mbak, rek, dek
HHAHAHA (ehem), alright, here we go. Day and night, blaze and flood, pop to dubstep, one to ten, mountain to beach, 19 to 22, tik to tok, it’s been 4 years and you know what, it was 45.000KM! you made it dude!