Let's 'enlight' your openSUSE!!


Enlightenment is not just a window manager for Linux/X11 and others, but also a whole suite of libraries to help you create beautiful user interfaces with much less work than doing it the old fashioned way and fighting with traditional toolkits, not to mention a traditional window manager. It covers uses from small mobile devices like phones all the way to powerful multi-core desktops (which are the primary development environment).

While i’m reading a topic on Kaskus which talk about Enlightenment, that’s the first time i knew ‘her’. I’m trying to know much more about ‘her’. About ‘her’ beauty, glamour, ability and the other thing.

I just fall in love with ‘her’ beauty for the firs time i saw ‘her’. Then i’m looking at openSUSE site how to met ‘her’. I did what openSUSE told for about a minute, then VOILA!!. She is right now on my side, YAHHA!!

This is the simplest way, add Repository Enlightenment to your repositori list by using this command via konsole :

sudo zypper ar “http://ftp5.gwdg.de/pub/opensuse/repositories/home:/dmitry_serpokryl:/Enlightenment-cvs-core-metapackage/openSUSE_11.2” Enlightenment
sudo zypper mr -r Enlightenment
sudo zypper ref -r Enlightenment
sudo zypper in E17 e_modules

just log in by using Enlightenment session, and she’s will be yours 😀

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